Gottman Certified Therapist? Get Help from an Expert

Are you struggling in your marriage or love relationship? Do you and your partner have trouble communicating, fight a lot, or feel like you’ve grown apart? If so, you might be able to solve your problems by going to a Certified Gottman Method Couples Therapist for help. Gottman Method Couples Therapy is an approach to couples therapy […]

Have You Checked In With Your Partner or Spouse Today?

Do you and your partner or spouse find it easy to talk to each other, even about the smallest things in your lives? If so, you’re most likely in a healthy place in your marriage or relationship. If not, this can be a warning sign that you may be disconnected from each other, a danger […]

One Key to Succeed at Having a Miserable Relationship

Who makes the decisions in your marriage or relationship? Do you honor and respect each others’ feelings and opinions? Do you or your partner or spouse feel more like a passenger than a driver? Especially with men, if they allow women to influence them, their relationships are much happier and much less likely to lead […]

3 Ways to Be a Master in Your Marriage or Relationship

Are You a Master in Your Marriage or Relationship? Is it easy for you and your spouse or partner to talk to each other, even about what may seem like simple things? If it is, chances are, your marriage or relationship is in a good place, and your connection is strong. If this is not […]

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