What are the top 10 warning signs of an affair?

Finding out your partner or spouse is having an affair is one of the worst fears to face. Suspicions alone can’t be taken as evidence that they are cheating on you. However, unless mistrust is one of your key areas of sensitivity that your brain may be magnifying, you may be picking up on something that needs to be addressed with your spouse. If you think there’s a legitimate reason to be concerned, it’s better to find out the truth and address it rather than live in ignorance.

Midlife Crisis in Men and Affairs: Is There a Link?

As men age, they often look back on the earlier years of their lives. Some feel a sense of fulfillment and relief. Some, however, feel some sort of wistfulness or even regret. Some feel lost, while some think they are missing out in life, and that they could be happier if they make drastic changes. These are the exact sentiments that often trigger a midlife crisis in men, and affairs often follow.

Does Couples Counseling Work?

Does couples counseling work? This is the first question that comes to mind when a couple decides to try counseling to resolve issues or conflicts within their relationship. It’s a valid question. The moment you decide to undergo therapy is an indicator that you have some serious issues within the relationship – it’s something that is way beyond the scope of regular fights that most couples go through.

Seeing danger signs in your marriage

When a couple is stuck in a negative pattern, even the slightest action can turn into an explosive eruption. For most couples who come for marriage therapy, they realize that they are not able to get out of it on their own. This acceptance is a first step to identify the problem behind the pattern, and then develop a plan for change that involves creating a new way to connect with each other.

Read about the ingredients of a conflict are mostly similar with most couples in a negative pattern. In most cases, one partner criticizes or blames, and another defends or withdraws. For some couples both partners go into an attack mode, with one or both eventually retreating. In the worst cases, both partners stop attacking, but in a withdrawal state, the relationship is on life support.

What are your relationship deal breakers?

Did your man or woman pass your love test? When you met your partner or spouse, did he or she pass your “deal breakers” test? If you are like many couples, the chemistry that drew you to your partner may have been nature’s way of cementing the bond between you, and many of the items […]

Still Hung Up On That? Why Our Mind Has a Hard Time Forgetting

New York couples have been faced with extreme tests when emotional injuries may have occurred, including 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy Have you felt an intense amount of pain from an event in your marriage or love relationship? An experience when one partner or spouse fails to respond at times of urgent need strongly influences the […]

Is a Ghost from the Past Haunting Your Marriage or Love Relationship?

Ghosts from the past can be unwelcome intruders in your marriage or love relationship Are you or your partner or spouse experiencing symptoms in your marriage or love relationship that could be related to a history of trauma? A common dialogue between a couple where one partner has a history of trauma might go like […]

Effective Conflict is the Booby Prize in a Marriage or Love Relationship

How do you fight in your marriage or love relationship? Fighting better is only the booby prize, from my experience with couples. As good as it feels to be able to engage in conflict effectively, it’s not the grand prize for a marriage or love relationship. Join me for the next Marriage and Couples in […]

3 Ways to Be a Master in Your Marriage or Relationship

Are You a Master in Your Marriage or Relationship? Is it easy for you and your spouse or partner to talk to each other, even about what may seem like simple things? If it is, chances are, your marriage or relationship is in a good place, and your connection is strong. If this is not […]

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