Midlife Marriage Crisis: Reignite Passion

Marriage Therapy NYC
Image of a midlife marriage crisis in NYC couple getting help in marriage therapy at Loving at Your Best in NYC.

Midlife Marriage Crisis: Reignite Passion

Table of Contents

Midlife Marriage Crisis: How Manhattan & Brooklyn Couples Can Reignite Passion with Expert Marriage Therapy

Are You Facing a Midlife Marriage Crisis? Here’s How to Reignite Passion and Connection in Your Relationship

Has the connection with your spouse faded, leaving you feeling more like roommates than partners? Are the pressures of work, raising teenagers, or caring for aging parents draining the passion from your marriage? If so, you’re not alone. It doesn’t have to be this way. Many successful couples in Manhattan and Brooklyn experience what’s known as a midlife marriage crisis—a significant life event marked by emotional distance, lack of intimacy, and unresolved conflicts that often come to the surface during this challenging phase of life.

At Loving at Your Best Marriage and Couples Counseling, we specialize in helping couples like you rediscover their connection, reignite passion, and repair relationships through evidence-based approaches such as the Gottman Method, Schema Therapy, and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). Our expert therapists will guide you on a path forward, helping you rebuild your relationship and achieve lasting closeness and understanding.

Image of married couple in NYC getting marriage therapy for their midlife marriage crisis.

Key Takeaways for Couples Facing a Midlife Marriage Crisis in Manhattan & Brooklyn:

Reignite Passion Now: Rediscover the intimacy and excitement you once had, even with the pressures of midlife weighing you down.

Rebuild Emotional Connection Quickly: Strengthen emotional closeness and regain trust that may have eroded over time. 

Resolve Conflicts Effectively: Break toxic cycles and communication patterns, and learn new ways to address longstanding marriage conflicts and unresolved tension.

Tailored Therapy for Busy NYC Couples: Receive customized therapy designed specifically for the unique challenges of high-achieving couples in Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Confidential & Flexible Sessions: Our couples therapy fits seamlessly into your demanding schedule with complete discretion and flexibility.

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Understanding the Midlife Marriage Crisis: What Happens Next?

A midlife marriage crisis often stems from a combination of personal and relationship challenges. It can strike as early as your 30s or as late as your 50s, causing partners to reassess their marriage, identity, and the path forward. The New York Times article, The Midlife Marriage Tuneup, highlights that many couples, especially in middle age, wonder: What is the next chapter of our life?

Travis Atkinson, Founder and Director of Loving at Your Best, explains:

“A midlife marriage crisis is often a turning point for couples. It’s a time when partners look beyond their daily routines and start asking bigger questions about their future. Our approach with the Gottman Method helps couples engage in meaningful conversations about their shared dreams, creating a stronger emotional connection.”

Through the Gottman Method at Loving at Your Best, couples can explore the deeper hopes and desires behind recurring conflicts. Exercises like “Dreams Within Conflict” help transform disagreements into opportunities for reconnection and growth.

Image of gay couple in NYC facing a midlife marriage crisis

Rebuilding Connection After a Midlife Marriage Crisis

Couples often face emotional distance and marriage problems when they experience a midlife marriage crisis. Rebuilding emotional and physical intimacy during this challenging time is critical to saving the marriage.

Paul Chiariello, Senior Clinician at Loving at Your Best, notes:

“Addressing these deep-rooted issues is essential to rebuilding trust and closeness. Many couples realize that unresolved conflicts from earlier years have compounded. Through therapy, we help couples confront these suppressed issues and heal emotionally.”

Using Schema Therapy and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), we guide couples to break free from old patterns and address the emotional wounds that may have been festering for years. This helps to not only resolve current marriage problems but also prevents them from resurfacing later.

If you’re ready to start rebuilding trust and connection in your marriage, schedule a confidential consultation with one of our expert marriage therapists today.

How Do I Contribute to Our Marriage Problems? Improve Emotional Distress During Midlife Crisis

Self-reflection is essential during a midlife marriage crisis. Taking accountability to begin the process is a key factor in rebuilding a strong partnership.

Ben Stein, Couples Specialist at Loving at Your Best, shares:

“During therapy, both partners must ask themselves: How do I contribute to our marriage problems? Understanding this is the first step toward resolving conflicts and improving emotional distress in your relationship.”

Through the Gottman Method, couples work together to understand their individual triggers and behaviors that may contribute to conflict. Exercises like “Accepting Influence” help partners embrace each other’s perspectives, fostering collaboration and healing.

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Overcoming Emotional Distance: Rekindling Intimacy in a Midlife Marriage Crisis

Couples often struggle with emotional distance and isolation during a midlife marriage crisis. This emotional gap can profoundly affect their relationship, especially when combined with the pressure of work responsibilities and raising children.

Tiffany Goldberg, Marriage and Family Specialist, adds:

“It’s easy for couples to forget what made them fall in love in the first place. Our work focuses on rediscovering those positive memories and skills, helping them feel fulfilled in their marriage again.”

Through Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and the Gottman Method, couples reconnect emotionally, rebuilding the trust and closeness that has faded over time. Exercises like “Fondness and Admiration” provide a framework for rediscovering why partners fell in love, sparking new emotional and physical intimacy.

Image of happy couple after a midlife marriage crisis in Manhattan.

Is This Relationship Still Worth It? A Core Question During a Midlife Crisis

Facing a midlife marriage crisis often leads to a deep assessment of the marriage. Partners ask themselves difficult questions: Is this relationship still worth it?

Travis Atkinson elaborates:

“A midlife marriage crisis refers to a decision point for spouses. When couples are experiencing a midlife marriage crisis, they may feel uncertain about whether to continue. Our approach combines Schema Therapy and EFT to guide them through a relational reckoning. By addressing their perceived shortcomings, partners can build a stronger future together, grounded in emotional connection.”

At Loving at Your Best, we help couples weigh their marriage’s strengths and weaknesses and make an informed decision about its future. While some partners may grieve unmet expectations, others find a renewed sense of commitment and emotional closeness.

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Why Manhattan & Brooklyn Couples Face Unique Midlife Marriage Crises

Living in New York City has unique challenges for couples experiencing a midlife marriage crisis. The pressures of balancing successful careers, maintaining a certain image, and fulfilling family responsibilities can amplify marital stress. These demands often leave couples feeling emotionally distant, disconnected, or overwhelmed by marriage problems. They may lean on a friend more, instead of their spouse.

Jon Prezant, Sex Therapist at Loving at Your Best, shares:

“In a fast-paced, high-pressure environment like Manhattan, couples often deprioritize their emotional and sexual connection. Rebuilding that connection through therapy strengthens their bond and creates a more fulfilling partnership.”

Our team understands the challenges Manhattan and Brooklyn couples face during a midlife marriage crisis and provides support with couples therapy that fits into their busy lives. Whether reigniting passion or resolving long-standing emotional wounds, our therapy helps couples rebuild intimacy and emotional resilience.

Real Success Stories Overcoming Midlife Crisis: Couples Who Reconnected Through Marriage Therapy in NYC

Many married couples in Manhattan and Brooklyn have come to us feeling disconnected, but with the right guidance, they’ve rebuilt their marriages. Here are two success stories:

  • Manhattan Couple Rekindles Intimacy: After years of building successful careers, one Manhattan couple found themselves drifting apart. The demands of work had left them feeling discnonected, and their conversations had turned into practical exchanges about bills and schedules. But they learned how to express their emotional and physical needs through the Gottman Method using the Loving at Your Best Plan. Within just a few sessions, they began to reconnect, rediscovering the love and passion they thought was lost forever. 

  • Brooklyn Couple Overcomes Infidelity: After an affair, this couple, also experiencing a midlife marriage crisis, used Schema Therapy as part of the Loving at Your Best Plan to address suppressed issues and rebuild their relationship. Over time, each spouse healed their emotional wounds and found a new life together, stronger than before.

The Loving at Your Best Plan: An Integrated Approach to Treating Midlife Marriage Crises

At Loving at Your Best Marriage and Couples Counseling, we utilize a comprehensive approach to help couples navigate the complexities of a midlife marriage crisis and to receive the support they need from a past regret. The Loving at Your Best Plan, created by our founder, Travis Atkinson, integrates three powerful, research-backed therapeutic models: The Gottman Method, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), and Schema Therapy for Couples. Each model addresses different aspects of relationship dynamics, ensuring that we provide tailored, effective therapy for couples facing this critical period in their lives.

The Gottman Method: Strengthening Emotional Connection During Midlife Crisis

A core component of the Loving at Your Best Plan is the Gottman Method, which focuses on building emotional resilience and connection for each spouse. This method can begin to emphasize improving communication, trust, and intimacy between partners by using practical tools like “Dreams Within Conflict” and creating rituals of connection to help couples rediscover their emotional and physical bond.

As couples move through a midlife marriage crisis, they often experience emotional distance and communication breakdowns. Using the Gottman Method within the Loving at Your Best Plan, we help couples identify the root causes of their conflicts and transform them into opportunities for emotional growth and reconnection. This method is particularly effective for high-achieving couples in Manhattan and Brooklyn, where career and social demands often precede personal relationships.

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT): Repairing Emotional Bonds After Midlife Crisis

The second pillar of the Loving at Your Best Plan is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). EFT is designed to help couples understand and repair their emotional bond by addressing the underlying attachment issues that may have developed during their relationship. For couples experiencing a midlife marriage crisis, EFT helps them navigate emotional distance by fostering vulnerability and emotional security.

In the fast-paced world of Manhattan and Brooklyn, couples often feel disconnected from one another as they focus on work and family responsibilities. Through EFT, each spouse learns to express their emotional needs in a way that brings them closer together rather than creating conflict. The result is a stronger, more secure emotional bond that can help couples overcome the challenges of a midlife marriage crisis and create lasting intimacy.

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Schema Therapy for Couples: Uncovering Deep-Rooted Patterns Erupting Midlife Crisis

Schema Therapy for Couples is a central part of the Loving at Your Best Plan. It helps partners identify and break free from entrenched patterns—known as schemas—that often underlie long-standing conflicts in their relationship. In the context of a midlife marriage crisis, four primary schemas often play a pivotal role: defectiveness, emotional deprivation, abandonment, and mistrust/abuse. These schemas typically form during childhood and can profoundly impact a person’s relationships throughout life, particularly during high-stress periods like middle age.

Defectiveness Schema: Feeling Unworthy of Love

The defectiveness schema refers to an underlying belief that one is flawed, unlovable, wrong, or inadequate. During a midlife marriage crisis, this schema can manifest when one partner feels emotionally distant or rejected by the other. If a spouse carries a defectiveness schema, they may internalize their partner’s lack of attention or affection to confirm their perceived shortcomings. This can lead to feelings of shame, low self-esteem, and further emotional withdrawal, making it difficult for the couple to reconnect.

Travis Atkinson elaborates:

The defectiveness schema often shows up in marriages where one partner feels they’re not good enough, leading them to shut down emotionally. This only deepens the emotional distance that often characterizes a midlife marriage crisis.”

Emotional Deprivation Schema: Feeling Neglected or Unseen Leading to Midlife Crisis

The emotional deprivation schema involves believing others will never meet one’s emotional needs. The partner ends up feeling lonely a great deal of the time. This schema may make one partner feel chronically unseen, unheard, or neglected in a midlife marriage crisis. Over time, the emotional neglect—perceived or real—builds resentment, causing the couple to drift further apart. In many cases, couples realize during this phase that they’ve been emotionally disconnected for years, especially when they are no longer preoccupied with raising children.

This can become particularly evident when the empty nest syndrome sets in for each spouse. After the last child leaves the household, partners who have been emotionally estranged may suddenly find themselves alone together, with little connection left to sustain the marriage. The realization of this distance often triggers a midlife marriage crisis as couples grapple with the possibility that they’ve lost their emotional bond long ago.

Abandonment Schema: Fearing Loss and Rejection During Midlife Crisis

The abandonment schema involves a deep-seated fear that those closest to you will leave or reject you. For couples going through a midlife marriage crisis, this schema can become activated when one partner feels emotionally distant or begins to consider separation or divorce. A partner with an abandonment schema may sense danger with heightened anxiety, clinginess, or emotional outbursts as they fear the loss of their spouse. This, in turn, can push the other person further away, exacerbating the distance between them.

Research from the Gottman Institute indicates that midlife marriage crises are a common turning point for many couples. Studies show that around 67% of marriages experience significant conflicts during middle age, often when children leave home and the couple is left to reassess their relationship without the distractions of family life. For couples dealing with abandonment issues, this time can feel particularly fraught as old fears of rejection resurface for each spouse. They talk to friends in ways that can feel desperate when their abandonment schema is triggered.

Mistrust/Abuse Schema: Expecting Harm or Betrayal from Midlife Crisis

The mistrust/abuse schema arises when a person expects others to hurt, manipulate, or take advantage of them. This schema can manifest as suspicion, resentment, or hypervigilance in a midlife marriage crisis. Suppose one partner carries a mistrust/abuse schema. In that case, they may perceive any emotional withdrawal from their spouse as a sign of betrayal or impending abandonment, even if the other partner’s distance is simply due to stress or the pressures of middle age.

For these couples, emotional conflicts can quickly escalate into marriage problems. The mistrust/abuse schema often leads to destructive communication patterns, with one person constantly questioning the other’s motives or honesty. Without intervention, these negative cycles can become entrenched, further deepening the midlife marriage crisis.

The Empty Nest Syndrome and Midlife Marriage Crises in NYC

One of the most common triggers for a midlife marriage crisis is the empty nest syndrome. When children leave the home, couples often find themselves at a crossroads, realizing their connection with each other has been neglected for years. The roles of parenthood, which once dominated their lives, have ended, and now they must face each other without the buffer of their children. Many talk to friends instead of leaning on their spouse.

According to research from the Gottman Institute, this period is often when marriage problems come to the forefront, and many couples feel uncertain about their future together. Without the shared responsibility of raising children, the emotional gaps in the marriage can become more apparent, leaving couples to confront whether their relationship can survive in this new phase of life.

Healing Midlife Crisis Through Schema Therapy for Couples

At Loving at Your Best Marriage and Couples Counseling, we use Schema Therapy to help couples understand these deep-rooted patterns and break free from the emotional wounds that have caused disconnection. By addressing schemas like defectiveness, emotional deprivation, abandonment, and mistrust/abuse, couples can begin to heal, rebuild trust, and rediscover intimacy.

Combined with the Gottman Method and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Schema Therapy provides a powerful framework for treating midlife marriage crises. It helps partners explore their individual vulnerabilities while also working to create a stronger, more emotionally connected marriage.

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The Role of Self-Care and Professional Help in Navigating a Midlife Marriage Crisis in NYC

One of the most critical factors for couples navigating a midlife marriage crisis is understanding the role of self-care in maintaining both individual well-being and relationship health. It can be easy to lose sight of personal needs while dealing with the complexities of daily life, especially during a midlife crisis. However, prioritizing self-care and seeking professional help is essential for both partners to address emotional needs and improve emotional distress.

Experiencing a midlife crisis often leads to a period of self-reflection and soul searching. Individuals may question their life’s purpose, their achievements, and even their relationship with their spouse. This can cause an emotional rift between partners, especially when these feelings are left unaddressed. For couples experiencing a midlife marriage crisis, it’s important to not only focus on the relationship but also on self-care as a tool for healing and growth.

Many couples fail to recognize the signs of a midlife marriage crisis until it has already caused significant emotional damage. Common signs include growing emotional distance, loss of intimacy, and frequent arguments. Partners might also exhibit feelings of anger, frustration, and disconnection, which can be compounded by the everyday pressures of managing careers, raising children, and caring for aging parents. They have no new thoughts together. These pressures often increase stress, making it difficult to cope with the emotions involved in a midlife crisis.

Additionally, as partners age and enter middle age, they may face new challenges in their relationship that didn’t exist in earlier years. The aging process can introduce physical and emotional challenges that affect intimacy, communication, and the ability to resolve conflicts effectively. Regret can seep in. This is where self-care becomes crucial. By focusing on their own mental and physical health, individuals can strengthen their ability to handle relationship issues and re-establish a connection with their spouse.

A midlife crisis can be triggered by various factors, such as career changes, empty nest syndrome, or other major life events. These events force individuals to confront their past choices and reevaluate their future, often leading to doubts about their relationship. It’s important to recognize that a midlife crisis doesn’t have to lead to the end of a marriage. In fact, with the right support, it can serve as an opportunity to rediscover love and passion within the relationship.

At Loving at Your Best Marriage and Couples Counseling, our team of experienced therapists helps couples identify the signs of a midlife marriage crisis and provides personalized strategies to help them reconnect. We emphasize the importance of self-care, encouraging partners to take time for themselves while also working together to address the root causes of their marriage problems. This holistic approach not only improves individual well-being but also enhances the overall health of the relationship.

Working with a licensed marriage and family therapist at Loving at Your Best can be a transformative experience for couples going through a midlife crisis. Our marriage therapists provide a safe and supportive environment where partners can express their thoughts and emotions freely, without fear of judgment. They guide couples through difficult conversations, helping them recognize patterns of behavior that may contribute to the crisis. Whether unresolved past conflicts, unmet emotional needs, or a lack of communication, a family therapist can help couples address these issues head-on.

Moreover, couples therapy at Loving at Your Best can help partners manage the stress and anxiety that often accompany a midlife crisis. By providing tools for effective communication, conflict resolution, and emotional regulation, therapists empower couples to rebuild trust and intimacy. This process addresses the immediate marriage problems and equips couples with the skills they need to navigate future challenges.

Experiencing a midlife crisis or going through midlife crises doesn’t have to mean the end of a relationship. With the right combination of self-care, professional guidance from our experts at Loving at Your Best Marriage and Couples Counseling, and commitment to personal growth, couples can emerge from this significant life event stronger and more connected than ever before.

Taking the time to prioritize your own well-being and that of your spouse can lead to a deeper, more fulfilling relationship that withstands a major life event and the test of time. An individual’s ability in middle age to withstand the possibility of when a partner may lose interest in middle aged partners.

Even in old age, successful people can make drastic changes to their mental health and relationships. A daily routine that includes mental health practices thoughtful of a spouse can help them make sense of each person in the relationship.

Why Choose Loving at Your Best Marriage and Couples Counseling to Break Through Midlife Crisis?

At Loving at Your Best, we don’t believe in cookie-cutter solutions. Our practice is led by Travis Atkinson, a globally recognized expert who co-founded the Schema Therapy for Couples model alongside Jeffrey Young. With decades of experience, Travis has trained couples therapists worldwide and founded the Schema Therapy Training Center of New York. He holds certifications in Schema Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy, and the Gottman Method—making us one of the few practices in Manhattan and Brooklyn specializing in all three evidence-based, multi-modal approaches for high-achieving couples.

When you work with our team of expert marriage therapists, you don’t just discuss your problems—you’ll leave each session with practical steps you can take immediately to improve communication, intimacy, and trust. Our goal is to help you see real progress from the very first session.

At Loving at Your Best, you’ll work with a team of professionals who are dedicated to helping you and your partner rediscover intimacy, rebuild trust, and overcome complex emotional issues:

Travis Atkinson, Founder and Director: Travis Atkinson is a globally recognized leader in couples therapy. He co-founded the Schema Therapy for Couples model with Jeffrey Young and has trained therapists worldwide for over two decades. As the founder of the Schema Therapy Training Center of New York, he brings unparalleled expertise in helping couples break free from destructive patterns. Travis is also an Honorary Lifetime Member of the International Society of Schema Therapy, recognizing his contributions to the field. His compassionate, evidence-based approach has helped countless couples rebuild emotional and physical connections that last a lifetime.

Paul Chiariello, Senior Clinician: With deep insight into midlife marriage crises, Paul offers deep insights into the emotional and psychological hurdles that couples face during this critical phase. His empathetic, targeted therapy approach using the Loving at Your Best Plan helps partners rediscover emotional closeness and find harmony amidst life’s pressures.

Ben Stein, Couples Therapy Specialist: Ben’s expertise lies in navigating complex relationship dynamics, including trauma. He has a unique ability to help middle-aged couples rekindle intimacy and foster healthier communication, no matter how disconnected they’ve become. 

Jon Prezant, Sex Therapist: Jon helps couples overcome sexual challenges that often arise during midlife. His specialized focus on restoring physical intimacy allows couples to rekindle desire and develop a deeper, more connected relationship. 

Tiffany Goldberg, Marriage and Family Specialist: Tiffany’s compassionate support helps couples manage the emotional stress of parenting and family dynamics, which can strain marriages. She focused on helping partners rebuild connections while balancing family responsibilities.

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Image of lesbian couple in Manhattan after seeking gay couples therapy in NYC.

Midlife Marriage Crisis: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is a midlife crisis? Does a significant life event trigger it?

A midlife crisis is a period of significant doubt or re-evaluation of a person’s life, often triggered by major life events like career changes, the aging process, or empty nest syndrome. It can cause feelings of emotional distress, loss of purpose, and questioning of one’s relationship or identity.

2. How does a midlife crisis affect married couples?

When one or both partners are experiencing a midlife crisis, it often leads to marriage problems such as emotional distance, loss of intimacy, or conflict. Couples therapy helps address these issues and improve emotional distress before they become irreparable.

3. How does marriage therapy in NYC help during a midlife crisis?

Marriage therapy provides couples with tools to navigate midlife crises, rebuild trust, and rediscover intimacy. At Loving at Your Best, we use the Gottman Method, Schema Therapy, and EFT to guide couples through this challenging time.

Image of latino couple in NYC happy after couples therapy in Manhattan facing midlife marriage crises.

4. What are some signs of a midlife crisis?

Common signs include feeling dissatisfied with life, soul searching, questioning your purpose, making drastic changes like buying a sports car or feeling emotionally disconnected from your partner. An identity crisis often accompanies it.

5. How long does marriage therapy take during a midlife crisis?

The length of marriage therapy depends on the couple’s goals and the severity of their marriage problems. Some couples may see improvement in a few months, while others require longer-term therapy to address deeper issues.

Image of Indian couple in Manhattan booking an appointment at Loving at Your Best Marriage and Couples Counseling.

Don’t Wait—Book Your Appointment Today to Overcome Midlife Crisis

Early intervention is critical if your marriage is feeling disconnected and you or your partner are experiencing a midlife crisis. At Loving at Your Best Marriage and Couples Counseling, we help Manhattan and Brooklyn couples navigate this phase of life with evidence-based therapy that rebuilds trust, intimacy, and connection.

Don’t let the emotional distance grow wider—schedule a confidential consultation today and take the first step toward saving your marriage. Our team of marriage experts has limited availability. Book now to secure your spot and start building the relationship you deserve. 

Midlife Crisis: Schedule your appointment now

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